Pokemon has always been a widely loved game that many have played. On top of being popular, it has a large competitive scene with much math and planning involved if one wants to be successful. Because of the math involved, many people like to see how far they can take the system. One of the biggest ways to push the game is damage output in a single attack, surprisingly, the most defensive Pokemon in the game is the one who has the potential to do the most damage. Using a very specific environment in which the level 100 Pokemon shuckle with maximum defense possible has skill swapped huge power from a level 1 ledyba with minimum defense possible that has been hit by screech 6 times, the shuckle can use 6 defense curls in a row and then use power trick to swap its defense and attack power, if the shuckle then uses rollout, a move that attacks five times in a row and powers up every time it hits, and the last hit is a critical hit, shuckle can do a maximum damage of 481,266,036. To put this in perspective, the maximum health you can have naturally is 712. There is one Pokemon who can do more damage, but it has not been fully tested yet so it is not official.
You can find the stats and move pools here
You can find how to deal all this damage and how to potentially do more here
